Friday, February 27, 2015

BBC & Sweet Potato Tacos

**Written while watching The Chew**

I made these Black Bean and Corn Sweet Potato Tacos the other day, and it was a major learning experience.

Like I said in a previous post, I am not perfect when it comes to making certain recipes, but I learn from them and adjust along the way.

I found this a long time ago and finally got around to making it.  I am a huge fan of sweet potatoes, and I had never tried them until high school.  We had them at lunch one day and I was so confused by them and didn't even know how to eat them.  But, you can make them so many different ways, so it's awesome!!

I tried to make my own gluten free tortillas for them and failed HORRIBLY.  The recipes I tried were terrible and basically made the consistency of silly putty.  I was extremely frustrated.  I gave up and went to the grocery store (it was -10 this day) and bought the best kind of whole wheat I could find.  SO, if anyone has a great gluten free tortilla/wrap recipe, please let me know!!!  (I tried one that worked, but it tasted too much like egg, so I won't be using that again)

Then, I made the meal and struggled a bit with that, too.

First, they say to bake the sweet potatoes for only 15-20 minutes! I should have realized this was not enough time to make sure they are tender anyway, but I didn't.  They were NOT.  I would recommend maybe double the amount of time, around 40 minutes.  However, I was already making the other ingredients while it was baking/really hungry, so I sucked it up and ate them anyway.  They were kind of hard, but oh well.

Either way, these were really great and I topped them with hot sauce and avocado.  For a lighter cheese option, I do recommend feta.  It is delicious and flavorful, so you really don't need a lot anyway.

This made a good amount of food, so there was plenty for leftovers, and it's very easy to make!

LOTS of hot sauce because I love the spice!

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