Monday, October 12, 2015

I'm Back: The Good Land

I'm back! A little later than expected, but I have been busy.

For all family members and friends who do not yet know, I have moved from La Crosse to Milwaukee aka "The Good Land".  That's really what Milwaukee means, look it up.

I moved in June to start a new job here which has been a blast.  I now live close to all of my best friends from high school and we hang out what seems like, every day.

I am living with my best friend, Ashlie, on the East side over by Lake Michigan which is awesome.  Tons of young professionals in this areas, so it's fun.  Plus, I live down the road from a place that has unlimited sushi lunch for like $14.  I may never leave.  Here are some pictures of my new place! I am slightly obsessed with it!  

Eventually I will update my room from child to adult

Our kitchen is square, it's hard to tell in this picture!

That room on the left is our spare room which mostly gets filled with all my work crap

Hope you love our place, because Ash and I worked very hard to decorate! It has been fun to move from crappy college housing to actual nice places.  

As for my cooking, I have been severely slacking.  My friends and I have been trying out all the restaurants around here and going to brunch at new places practically every weekend.  I have a feeling I will pick it back up this winter when it starts to get cold and I won't go anywhere.  

I did go up to La Crosse a couple weekends ago for Oktoberfest, and on my way back, I stopped at my Aunt and Uncle's.  They stocked me up with some veggies.  I will be using the butternut squash very soon to make a lasagna! That will probably be my next post!! So stay tuned! 

Ok, that's all for now.  I promise I won't wait as long to post again!!

Bye, bye!